The 2024 edition of the biennial SIPTA School on Imprecise Probabilities took place from Monday 12 to Friday 16 August 2024, and provided the participants with the opportunity to get introduced to the basics of various topics in this theory, both theoretical and applied to different disciplines, by leading experts in the field.

The organising committee thanks everyone involved for making this a memorable edition!
Organising committee #
Alexander Erreygers &
Floris Persiau
Advisory members:
Gert de Cooman,
Bernard De Baets &
Keivan Shariatmadar
Contact #
If you have any questions about the summer school, any remarks on our website, or any other thoughts related to this summer school that you deem interesting, then you can always contact the organisers by sending a mail to
Sponsors #
We thank the following four sponsors for their generous support.